Monday, March 17, 2014

The Power Of Self Hypnosis For Weight Loss

By Jaclyn Hurley

Hypnosis refers to the act of inducing a trance state of deep relaxation, and heightened awareness. Usually, a qualified hypnotherapist would guide a client into such a meditative frame of mind, for purposes of what can be called deep reprogramming. Self hypnosis for weight loss involves the same principles, except that here hypnotically induced reprogramming, accompanied by appropriate suggestions, are self induced.

Hypnotherapy has proven to be a safe and effective therapeutic procedure to help people change negative habits like gambling, procrastination, or smoking, for example. The key to its effectiveness lies in that it works with the subconscious part of the personality, which houses the blueprints or motives for much behaviour patterns. In a state of hypnotic induction, specific suggestions from the therapist, or the individual, helps to reprogram the mind to become susceptible to new, desired, empowering beliefs, thoughts, and motives.

Individuals that are able to self induce a trance-like state for therapeutic purposes generally learn the correct procedure from a hypnotherapist. Hence, newcomers that wish to shed excess fat through this process are better off consulting with the proper professional for guidance first. This would help to ensure achieving the desired outcome, after having learned, and rehearsed, the proper procedure to trigger a state of hypnotic relaxation by oneself.

In an hypnotic state, the mind becomes more susceptible to new suggestions and ideas. It is then easier to reprogram the deeper, subconscious mind, and to rid it of negative, self-defeating, limiting beliefs and thoughts. In such a mental mode, one has the opportunity to imaginatively rehearse and visualize oneself as already having achieved the future, wished-for, eventual results.

Before going into a self induced hypnotic state, it is vital to have clarity about what the habits and beliefs are one wishes to change, and what the sought after, alternatives ones are. Perhaps, some behaviours that contribute to being overweight includes impulsive eating, consuming lots of food when feeling anxious, or eating whenever one feels bored, for example. It would be a good idea to compile a list of key limiting beliefs and problem habits before proceeding with hypnosis, just to be clear what ought to be the focus of attention.

For example, a person might want to change negative thoughts and beliefs like, 'I will never get thinner, ' or, 'there is no point in trying to get rid of extra fat.' In addition, one might want to focus on new, empowering actions that could include eating healthier foods, chewing food slowly, eating smaller portions, and going for regular, brisk walks. Part of the hypnotic reprogramming might also entail imagining oneself actually looking thinner, and wearing clothes that fit comfortably on a trimmed-down body, for instance.

Sceptical folks with no, or little, knowledge about hypnotic states tend to think it involves merely generating fantasies with the desired goal in mind. On the contrary, the process works because it engages the imagination in a specific, focused, powerful manner. It is especially useful when all other avenues to rid the body of excess fat failed to prove successful.

Successful hypnotherapy, even when self-initiated, have worked for individuals that have practised it often enough. People that have managed to achieve the hoped-for body size and shape through regular sessions are evidence of its effectiveness. It may not work for everyone, but it has, and continues to, deliver the desired outcomes for many people.

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