Saturday, February 1, 2014

Release Your Creativity With Abstract Watercolor Painting

By Eliza Mendoza

For those with an artistic side and for those who think they have no idea about art, abstract watercolor painting can mean a lot. In theory it is a simply artform with a basic technique that nearly anyone can master, but adding meaning to each stroke is where the natural talent and true art really comes into it. Painters and collectors alike will agree that there is more than meets the eye to this style of painting.

Choosing watercolors as a medium is a popular option for many reasons. It is an easy paint to use because it is water soluble, as the name suggests. It is also relatively cheap to buy and requires minimal materials to take it up as a hobby. It also allows the expression of the individual artist to come across, without any professional training needed.

Many people who start out using these materials find that landscapes are the easiest subject to master first. The watery paint lends itself perfectly to rolling hills, luxurious sea views and the multiple colors of flowers and various different landscapes. If you make a mistake it is barely noticeable and abstract art is more of a matter of personal expression than of covering up mistakes.

After a little practice the natural style of the artist quickly becomes apparent. It is important to recognize this and make the most of it as this is the only way to unleash artistic ability. After landscapes, painting animals is often considered to be the next challenge. Working from a photo or from real life is up to the individual, but focusing on the subtleties of color is a good place to start.

Constructing portraits in watercolors is quite a challenge, but once the artist understand his or her own style it becomes a very satisfying challenge. Practice is essential to move from amateur paintings to true art and once the basics have been established the artist can then begin to play around with abstract styles. Mastering the basics allows the artist to make this step effectively.

Abstract art is often misunderstood by people looking at it without opening up their minds to the possible meaning behind it. It is a very personal style of painting, but it can have multiple meanings, depending on how the individual looks at it. A good abstract artist will understand this and use their experience of the medium to convey their ideals in a way that many people can connect with.

Some people consider themselves to be artists and some consider themselves to be art appreciators, but one cannot exist with the other. What is more, in many cases artists are often appreciators and through studying other people's artwork they learn new things about their own and new techniques that they might not have been aware of before. Art is both for the individual and for the community.

Abstract watercolor painting can often seem simplistic in style, but that is the true beauty behind it. Anyone who tries to duplicate that style will quickly realize just how difficult it is to create. However, once it has been mastered it becomes like second nature and the artist gets great satisfaction from putting their ideals onto the canvas.

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